Windows Galway t.a Fahy Oconnor
Tel:+353 91 849 206
Lowest U Value possible of 0.7 on some of our range
There's now 44 different colours and woodgrain finishes to choose from.
Please call us for more information on 091 849 206
Comfort can take many forms and PremiLine - the new
exceptionally smooth sliding door system can introduce you
to a few new ones.
Just opening and closing doors that run this smoothly is a
real pleasure. Even when carrying the largest panes of glass,
PremiLine profiles are so stable that they glide at the
lightest touch, safe and easy to handle.
PremiLine sliding doors also offer the comfort and
reassurance of top-level security, due to the outstanding
strength and integrity of their construction.
What’s more, with tracks made from the highest quality
stainless steel, you can sit back and enjoy all this comfort,
safe in the knowledge that they are not only remarkably
smooth and secure, but long-lasting too.
Sliding doors add a bold style statement to both
houses and apartments and PremiLine is uniquely
striking. Slim frames and chamfered edges give
them a distinct, sleek appearance.